The truth about internship

I’ve wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. Not only have I wanted it more than anything in the world, I’ve given everything I have to get to this point. Until you experience it, it’s difficult to imagine the sheer amount of knowledge crammed into our young minds at medical school, and the sacrifices required for that process. I’ve spent more Saturday nights with Talley & O’Connor than at parties, I’ve broken up with boyfriends who didn’t understand the hours and I couldn’t count the sleepless nights or cups of coffee if I tried. What got me through though, was knowing it would all be worth it when I graduated as a doctor. So what am I suppose to do now that I’m finally here. Now that I’m finally living my dream, only to discover that it’s not that great. This recent message from one of my favourite senior doctor tweeps hits very close to home: It’s hard to believe that the first year where I’ve not been required to study all night c